The National Association of Travel Healthcare Organizations has announced the 2024 Board of Directors, naming Fusion’s Chief Clinical Officer, Amber Barna, MSN, RN among the industry leaders guiding the organization this year.  

Barna is an accomplished senior healthcare leader and nurse. She leads strategic management of Fusion’s clinical and compliance departments, including policies, procedures, and best practices to ensure the safety and well-being of healthcare travelers and the patients they serve.  

“Being part of the NATHO Board of Directors means I get to be part of something that is bigger than myself and bigger than Fusion,” said Barna. “It’s exciting to be involved in pushing and driving quality patient care because that’s what it’s about at the end of the day.” 

NATHO is a non-profit association of travel healthcare organizations that promotes ethical business practices, offers educational opportunities, creates space for advocation, and sets the gold standard for conduct in the travel healthcare industry.  

Barna says she knows from her time as a clinician that education is needed so healthcare professionals and medical facilities trust that healthcare staffing companies are in a place to help alleviate pain points.  

There are some extremely talented and caring healthcare professionals who choose traveling as their career, and as staffing industry leaders, we can educate our facility partners on how those travelers take stress off their plate,” Barna said. Increased appreciation of healthcare travelers and more support to facilities so they can focus on quality patient care rather than staffing needs are the things I’m striving for in 2024. 

More information about Barna and her dedication to refreshing healthcare can be found at  

About Fusion:   

Fusion is an Omaha-based healthcare company that exists to create meaningful connections between healthcare travelers and facilities that lead to better patient care and better outcomes for all. The company consists of two business units: Fusion Medical Staffing and Fusion Workforce Solutions, which simplify processes for healthcare travelers and facilities at every turn. Fusion employees strive to stay humble, driven, and positive. 


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Leah Kemple / Public Relations Strategist